5 Easy Tips to Create an Effective Lead Magnet for Your Business

Lead magnets are an incredibly important tool for any business. It’s important that you not only have a few ready at any given moment to use for your business for different purposes, but that they’re also effective.

Let’s go over some easy tips to create a lead magnet that will work for your business. 

What is a Lead Magnet?

Before we get to the tips, let’s go over what exactly a lead magnet is. A lead magnet is a free, accessible tool that encourages viewers to interact with your business. Most of the time, a lead magnet requires some information from the viewer in order to access it. This is a way of building your email list and creating a path for the viewer to become a paying client.

These simple tools encourage viewers to continue engaging with your business because they have already gained something useful from it.

To create your lead magnet…

1. Understand Your Ideal Client’s Need

You need to understand your ideal client’s core need before you can begin creating effective lead magnets. What is your ideal client missing and searching for that your business can offer? This will help you narrow down your ideas! Brainstorm with your team and determine a clear understanding of this topic. 

2. Make Sure Your Lead Magnet is Click-Worthy 

Create something exciting and write tempting, click-worthy copy to go along with it! Rather than a simple graphic and call to action that says, “Sign up for our email list”, try creating a free guide that could be useful for your ideal client and say, “Grab your FREE [insert guide] today to [insert how this will help them]”. 

Maybe you offer a free quiz to help viewers learn something about themselves. Get creative! Again, make sure to relate this “freebie” to your business so the viewer wants to learn more. 

(Check out our FREE strategic planning guide for women entrepreneurs and this FREE Entrepreneur’s Toolkit if you’d like some other examples of great lead magnets!)

3. Keep the Viewer’s Attention

In reality, there are only a few seconds to grasp a viewer’s attention. When they begin engaging with your lead magnet, they will want the free tool or resource to be easy to acquire. Write blogs that only take a few minutes to read, make your quizzes short and simple, and display the prompt to provide an email in an obvious place. Make the process a breeze for your potential client!

4. Create Urgency

You have valuable expertise to offer. Create a sense of urgency to gain valuable information and tips that only you can offer. This might look like an exclusive Clubhouse chat, Instagram Live, or a free 10-minute video call for only a certain number of people.

You want a lead magnet that viewers immediately want to grab. This strategy shouldn’t be used every time, but it is a useful tool to implement every so often. A little sense of competition could bring you a wave of new clients!

Business pro tip: Word this type of lead magnet as an exclusive opportunity!

5. Promote 

Wondering what to do when you have created an amazing lead magnet? Promote it as much as you can! Make sure your lead magnet is discovered by advertising it on your website and on all of your social media platforms. You can share it with your network as well to reach even more eyes. 

In summary, lead magnets offer a sneak peek into your expertise and business offerings. Providing a sample of relevant, quality content your ideal client finds valuable helps forge relationships, and creates a sense of familiarity and trust. When your ideal client trusts you, they will want to purchase from you!

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