Witches of BRA

Push-Up Group led by BRA Member June Suepunpuck of Joy Guide June

Witches of BRA push-up group led by June Suepunpuck


Discover how to leverage practical magic (think astrology, new moons, human design, numerology and much, much more) to create more alignment, joy and soul purpose on your entrepreneurial journey. **broomsticks not required** 

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, August 8th
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)

Get ready to tap into your magical POWER OF INTUITION, and explore those unexpected flashes of clear, inner knowledge that come to you, often in mysterious ways. Most everyone agrees that they have intuition, but – how often do you tune in to it? Follow it? Or even—trust it?

In this immersive workshop, you will:

 Learn to identify and hone these powerful “intuitive hits” to empower critical decisions.
Experiment with sensing beyond the physical senses.
Identify why you might “override” your intuition.
Explore how your intuition can impact your work, your direction, and your entire life, when you act upon what it says.

NOTE: Push-Up Group meetings are included as part of BRA Membership; just login and register for freeNon-Members can buy a ticket to attend a meeting. 

Group Guidelines

  • Our mission is to support and empower entrepreneurial witches, lightworkers, healers, and the like, as they create a positive impact in the world. WOB aims to nurture collaborations between businesses so that our Light can grow stronger, brighter, and faster — together.
  • Our goal is to create a safe space for witches to gather and share ideas, rituals, challenges, and celebrations as they forge new paths between magic and business through “Coven Conversations”. WOB aims to nurture collaborations between businesses so that our Light can grow stronger, brighter, and faster — together.
  • As we are in the Coven Conversation, please be respectful of one another. 
  • Unless someone asks, please do not offer up unsolicited advice. Our primary intention is to hold space for each other’s needs.
  • Any personal visions, dreams, downloads, channels, and stories shared shall remain in the confines of the circle and will not be shared with others (unless given permission).
  • WOB has no religious affiliation.
  • WOB honors white magic, light, & love.

About Joy Guide June

June Suepunpuck is a Joy Guide & Energy Healer who puts the ‘woo’ in WOOHOO! Through Joy Guidance, Human Design, & Oracle Readings, she helps leaders connect to their own unique gifts and super powers so they may find their greater calling in this lifetime. 

June’s hope is to guide them towards a more joyful, magical life via playful curiosity and radical self-acceptance. Ultimately, June’s mission is to multiply heart-centered leaders who want to help heal the world.

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