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February 10, 2024

It’s a new year – why not a fresh, new, approach to dating, too?  

Join Molly Lyda, MA, Therapist and Relationship Coach for a live, interactive workshop in Sherman Oaks, where we’ll pull out all the stops to explore a new paradigm for dating – letting go of the old patterns and habits that have sabotaged you in the past. 

We’ll redefine the process in a way that brings FUN and PERSONAL MASTERY to it… including reviewing a bunch of practical skills like flirting, navigating dating apps, profile writing, and moving things along (or ending things) at your desired pace! We’ll spend Saturday afternoon together – laughing, sharing, learning, transforming, and anchoring it all with a small art project to let your creativity flow. 

Then after, we’ll walk to a nearby restaurant to continue the connection for those who are able to join, and, you may even try out some of your newly learned flirting skills! 😉

COST: $75 – BRA members save $25 with code BRA25

Location address provided upon registration.

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