Submit Your Event!

At BRA, we love showing up for each other, giving back to the community, and forging new connections to help our businesses grow.

Submit an event below to publish your inspirational, educational, or charitable opportunity to our online Event Calendar, and we’ll promote it to our entire community for you!

Lexie Smith, Stacey Beaman, and Carrie Murray at the Every Day Action Gala

"*" indicates required fields

Do you have an active Business Profile in the BRA Directory?*
Note: This benefit is now for current subscribers only. If you can’t find yourself in our Professional Directory of Women Entrepreneurs than your subscription or membership is not currently active. Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 300 MB.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Start Time*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event End Time*
Tell us here!
If applicable
Event Location
If not a virtual event
e.g., a landing page, Eventbrite, or Facebook event URL, an email address or phone number for your call to action
If yes, include savings or added value with promo code if needed.
Is this event a collab with someone else in BRA Network?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Welcome to BRA - Business
Relationship Alliance