The Structure Mastermind


Led by BRA Member and Certified Facilitator Stacey Beaman, the Structure Mastermind is for entrepreneurs who have their product, service, or both fully fleshed out but need revenue generating systems, to develop their digital footprint with a website or sales page, email marketing, social media, book keeping practices, and automations of business systems.

This Mastermind is designed for the entrepreneur who is beginning to sell their product or service but is still spending more time marketing what they are doing, rather than selling what they offer.

This entrepreneur needs business systems in place to facilitate commerce time after time.

Timeline: 9 weeks

Meeting dates: 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, OFF, 11/30, 12/7, 12/14

Meeting time: 10:00 AM PT

Only 7 available seats. Cost is $499 per person.

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