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Tuesday, May 28th at 4:00 PM (PDT)

For many, school is winding down and for others, there’s still a few more weeks to experience the freedom of learning, being, and LOVING where you are NOW.

Instead of trying to conquer the world and stay ahead of the game, NOW is the time to see AND experience the steps in front of us. 
Before you can blink, we want your child to discover that each step provides the foundation for them to live their boldest, brightest life with ease!
With great excitement, I’m partnering with Shellee Howard, Founder of College Ready because as many of you know, I believe college starts in Kindergarten!  
Shellee discovered me after I spoke about the need to let all ages play more because kids and teens are losing the concept of flexibility . . . or worse, have yet to be introduced to the essential character trait. Play instantly invites connection, curiosity, and compassion as youth and teens battle the daily grind and unnecessary pressures.  
Tuesday, May 28th’s masterclass, we will focus on bringing in the calm amongst the storms, providing active tools for you and your family to implement now and for everyone’s lifelong learning journey!
I promise you a conversation that will bring forward what we ALL CRAVE . . . living and being in a joyful state despite all that’s occurring in the world! 

Cost: FREE. 

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