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Thursday, June 20th at 12:00 PM (PDT)

We know unpacking bias can feel uncomfortable…

That’s why we’ve created this workshop with space agreements where you can show up as your whole human self to learn and ask questions without judgment. This isn’t a standard lecture style DEIB training. 

Crystal Whiteaker and Tanisha Rodriguez understand that for diversity, equity, and inclusion to be truly effective, there must be an emphasis on belonging. This means creating space for honest conversations and providing tools to help manage discomfort while examining bias.

Learn about what influences bias and ways to manage discomfort when navigating bias.

Together, we will explore:

  • Shared language on bias
  • What impacts bias
  • Different types of bias
  • Recognizing intersectionality
  • Using awareness to acknowledge others

Finish with reflection exercises to acknowledge and honor the diverse lived experiences of others.

Cost: Tickets are $47. 

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Relationship Alliance