Sheila Eggert
Sheila Eggert Coaching
Santa Monica, CA
BRA Member Since 2023


Sheila Eggert





As a certified professional transformation coach, Sheila has a passion for helping women unleash levels of success they never thought were possible. Combining over 35 years of experience developing leaders in Fortune 500 companies with neuroscience backed mindfulness and mindset shifting techniques, Sheila helps clients and companies create lasting, transformational change through compelling workshops and webinars, as well as keynotes and 1:1 coaching. Her process allow clients to go deeper and explore new shifts in perspective through self trust.


“It is rare that you find someone with both the skills and compassion to help you navigate your personal development journey. I was fortunate to find that combination in Sheila. Sheila coached me for over a year, walking alongside me as I navigated my growth and wellness journey. She asked the right questions, recognized patterns that were holding me back, and graciously held me accountable. I walked away from each session with exactly what I needed - even when I wasn’t sure what I needed until it happened.” “One of my sessions was so emotionally freeing, it’s as if we climbed a mountain together and I am now free, happy and on the other side of grief. It’s allowed me to move on and never look back.” “I had a challenging relationship with a team that wasn’t delivering the service I relied on to achieve my results with a huge client. Sheila asked me a few questions to uncover what was going on in my mind that was blocking my ability to turn the situation around. I could immediately see how I could shift my results by shifting my perception of the situation. It was so simple, yet it allowed me to turn around my relationship with the team and my results with the client.”

Stephanie SchindelNEXT
Samara Bay

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