Jessica Dawson
55th Degree Inc.
Orlando, FL
BRA Member Since 2023


Jessica Dawson




“The 55th Degree developed FISK Mobile Tipping to help individuals create financial freedom. Good financial habits should start as soon as possible, and by using the FISK app, users will begin putting small increments into an investment account every time they receive a tip. FISK is similar to a peer-to-peer payment app, but the receiver controls a split. FISK puts a portion on their virtual card and sends a percentage to an investment account. Some for you now, and some more for you later . You never know how an investment account works until you own one, and FISK puts the control of tipping back into the hands of the worker. It will help them start their journey into the world of finance.”


“Friends that were servers when they were younger say that they wish FISK had been around back then. They would be a lot further along, saving for retirement. Alexandria Vandross says, "Give me the application now because I will get it directly." She was referring to the tips and expressed that she is charged a 4% fee for the tips being run on a credit card.”

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