Explore each organization’s mission below and consider joining us in supporting their efforts. Your contribution can make a real difference in helping them continue their vital work!
Founded by Junemarie Justus, The Acorn Project fosters creative collaboration and strategic partnerships for positive social change. Their current initiative entitled “The Reel Advocacy Series,” supports community documentary film screenings to inform, engage, and inspire political and social action. Providing “hope in a nutshell”, The Acorn Project focuses on amplifying women’s rights as a pivotal issue, believing that when women, mothers, and girls thrive, entire communities are uplifted.
Founded in 2020 by Kesha Knighten Hughes, The Grace and Wisdom Institute addresses the critical need for enhanced social and emotional development in middle and high school students. Focused on cultivating life skills, GAWI bridges the gap in achievement and preparedness for high school graduates. With a mission to deepen personal, social, and community awareness, the institute prioritizes life skills development and training, especially for teen girls of color. Donate here.
Every Day Action was founded by Hillary Cohen and Sam Luu. EDA reallocates food waste in the Greater Los Angeles Area to help feed the food insecure. Hillary and Sam were tired of seeing the ridiculous amount of food from TV and film sets that would go to waste every single day, so they put their frustration into action and founded Every Day Action to help feed the food insecure. Donate here.
Co-Founded by Cat Curry-Williams and Catherine Gray, She Angels Foundation awards grants to grassroots female founded non-profit organizations that provide mentorship, funding, and resources to a diverse portfolio of women’s and girls’ causes. Through collective giving, She Angels Foundation creates a simple, effective way to raise funds; promotes inclusivity and connection; achieves a greater impact on community needs and challenges; and opens the door for diversity. Donate here.